Last year at this time was ...a blur? I was released from Magee and began my temporary residence at the Ronald McDonald house/Children's hospital on December 23rd. The first few days are blurs in my memory. I had just had a c-section. I didn't get my perscription for Percocet filled so I was walking around the hospital "recovering" from a c-section and half delirious. At one point on the 23rd I remember breaking down. It was 7 pm and the day nurse was giving Case's night nurse report. It sounded aweful... "multi-cystic, dysplastic kidney, dilation and or blockage of the other kidney, posible coarctation of the aorta, a large VSD, an ASD, severe hypospadias, unfound testis, IUGR, unknown syndromes... and on. It was too much. I broke down. Right there, in front of the nurses I sobbed. I didn't even try to make it to the bathroom. I just let it all go. "This isn't how it's suppose to be." I thought. "I should be home, nursing a big, ...