Little man, big day and oh so thankful...

Tomorrow is a big day for our mini-man. It will start around 5:30 am when he'll be awakened, dressed and changed for the day. Around 6am his nurse  he and I will head to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital (Dan works). Once we arrive, we will check in and head to his spinal sonogram (around 9am). They are checking his Sacral Dimple (a dimple at the bottom of his spine) to see if it's tethered and Spina Bifida Occulta. Then we head to an 11am appointment with the surgeon that placed his Mic-Key and did the fundo. Next is an 11:30am appointment with Dr. Rouldolf (his GI). After that is a 1:00 appointment with his dietician, Stacy. Then a cookie swallow study. Just yesterday they added another upper GI. That will be next. At some point we will need to get his blood drawn. We will then check into the RMH (as long as we get a room) and spend the night. The next day they have his GJ placement scheduled and possibly blood work if Thursday is too crazy. Wow. That's a big day for such a little guy! Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and love for our very special Case!

In my preparation for Case's appointments and his new "accessory" I am overwhelmed with thankfullness. I'm thankful we've got Children's, amazing doctors, God's grace and a fantastic nurse to come along when Dan can't (let me just say.  I LOVE this nurse! I couldn't have hand picked a more dedicated, harder working, just all around wonderful nurse for this little guy and I'm pretty sure she is in love with him too.:). I'm thankful that GJs exist and there is hope for this hurlde. I'm thankful for my "village" and all the help they've offered Dan and I in our journey.

Thank You for everything
Thank You for loving me 

It don't even matter what tomorrow brings
Well I will sing my

Thank You for sun and rain
For what You give and take away
For all Your goodness I will always say
Thank You" 

"Cause life is joy, life is pain
But the prayer on my heart will never change
I say thank You
Oh I'll say thank You"


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