I won't give you more, more than you can take.

"I won't give you more, more than you can take. I might make you bend but I won't make you break."- Group 1 Crew.

Sometimes I feel like God mistook me for a strong women. During my pregnancy with Case when it looked like we would lose him, I  told Dan to give God the message that I'm not as strong as I look. We didn't lose him. He was born with many challenges and takes a bit of work, but he is alive and awesome. What I didn't realize then is that God doesn't give challenges to the strongest, most able but to the weak. When we are weak HE is strong. When all is comfortable there's not a whole lot of reason for God. It's the challenging moments, the narrow way that requires faith. Dependence on someone stronger. He is stronger.

 Case, my hero.

Some reminders....:)


  1. You always know how to bring tears to my eyes and make me remember why I am so darn lucky to have you guys a part of my family. Even though we don't see each other as often as I would like, not a day passes where I am not sending love and prayers to your perfectly imperfect family. Liz & Dan, you two are the BEST parents I know... you guys are so very special! I am so proud of you!

  2. This made me smile, I am getting much better at wearing weakness as a garment beautiful! Our Father is so purposeful, as Case was no accident, neither were the parents (and sisters) chosen to give him to...

    1. Thanks! It's awesome that such a short post can touch you both!


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