He's got a little special in him.
Case did GREAT during his very busy two days at Children's. Oh, and it turns out I am fully capable of driving to, from and in Pittsburgh (who would have thought?:). He rocked his full day Thursday and still had energy to visit his buddy Ramsey in the hospital. Ramsey is my friend Lisa's son. Lisa and I met at the RMH while our boys were hospitalized in the winter of 2011. Sweet Ramsey had to have another surgery, and I was blessed to visit him and his amazing family during his recovery. All of the appointments went well and our day ran smoothly. Jane, our sweet nurse, was wonderful to have along and really admired Case's strength and stamina. For such a little guy, he does beyond great. He didn't even cry when they took blood! Friday was also a great day for our great boy. We waited for hours to get his G tube changed to a GJ. That also went well. We were shown how to use it and told again we need to head straight to Children's if it gets pulled out. ...