You tell me, life will not always be pain free..

You tell me, life will not always be pain free....
You are stronger
Than any terrible possible scenario today
Come and save me
-Song lyrics that ring true to me.
 The life that is led by the mommy of a special needs child is not always pain free. It's the *not letting pain lead to suffering* (because He is stronger then any possible scenario that has ever been thrown at me) that keeps me going. And, oh, have we heard EVERY possible scenario.  He has saved me from the suffering. Saved me from overwhelming worry. Saved me from being taken down by these anomalies. Syndrome or no syndrome, big or small, sick or well, Case is exactly the child God desires him to be. We are not being punished but rather rewarded and made stronger by the blessing that he is and his special journey.

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 


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