A very special super-star.

"I wouldn't change him, even in my hardest moments. I'm so thankful for him just because of all the love he has brought," Liz said. "He's considered disabled, but I think he's perfect. I wouldn't change him because he's just so cool."

Yep. That's me. I said that and it's true, "he's just so cool!". Our family is in an article in a local magazine called, Mirror Moms. I was contacted a few weeks ago and did an over the phone interview with a lady named Kristy. The article is called, "Ronald McDonald House helps families with sick children". You can read the article hereI speak briefly of Case and our time at the RMH. I was also contacted by a lady named Dawn, from a local t.v. show called "Central PA live." She asked if I would like to be on the show, I said I would love to. Her and her camera man came to our house this past Monday. I did an interview while he recorded and then he video taped our very special super-star in action. Case sped around the house getting into drawers and playing with toys. I will be on the show Monday the 6th. It's on WTAJTV10 at 4 pm. They will also air the footage they got here. The whole experience is a good one. We've all enjoyed being a part of sharing this very special story. One question Dawn asked caught me a little off guard. She asked me why I decided to share Case's story with her and Kristy and all of you. I paused thinking, "Hmmmm, that's a good question…" My answer went something like this: "I've seen the hurt on mom's faces when they realize their child is going to be born different. I want them to know that just because a child is a little different doesn't mean they are a problem. Case is not a problem he is a blessing." I mean that when I say it. I wouldn't change Case if I could. I would keep him exactly the way he is. Perfect.


  1. I am so proud of you!! Thank you for sharing your triumphs and struggles as you walk where few of us can imagine walking. You bring a new appreciation for the health of our children as well as an understanding that His ways are NOT our ways!! I love you so much.
    May God continue to richly bless you as you seek Him first!!


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