"You are stronger Than any terrible possible scenario today"

Yesterday was Case's Nephrology appointment in the Children's Care Clinic. We met a new Dr. He was great, thorough and gentle. He had a genuine concern for Case and took lots of time talking with us. Case's good kidney looks good (there are small pockets of fluid but this is fine for now). His bad kidney is very clearly not functioning and very slowly shrinking. The Dr. asked if he has dwarfism. If I had a dollar for every time I got asked that question, I'd be going to Disney Wold. Case does not have dwarfism. He had a skeletal ex-ray while in the NICU. It came back normal. The dr. was concerned with his Sacral Dimple. He thinks he has a tethered cord and Spina Bifida Occulta. This is not the first time these conditions have been mentioned. He wants an MRI in the future. Because Case is so young, he will have to be knocked out for the MRI. I will update you all when a date is made. The doctor was concerned with his size and feeding struggles (as all his doctors are). He would like another Upper GI. This time he wants it followed into his bowel. He thinks there may be a malrotation. A Malrotation is "twisting of the intestines (or bowel) caused by abnormal development while a fetus is in utero, and can cause obstruction. Malrotation occurs in 1 out of every 500 births in the United States". I will be speaking with his GI doctor in June about this. He also ordered blood work and a renal sonogram in the near future. 

Whew, That was a busy appointment! Sometimes when Dan and I leave appointments like this we feel a little overwhelmed. Since before Case's birth we've spent appointment after appointment being bogged down with all the "worst possible scenarios" that there could be. Sometimes it feels like a lot. It is then that I look to God and tell Him I trust Him. I trust Him with Case's sweet life. We've been through hell and back with scenarios and I am done letting them get the best of me. 

"Remember that I am sovereign over your circumstances, and humble yourself under My mighty hand. Rejoice in what I am doing in your life, even though it is beyond your understanding."

"You are stronger
Than any terrible possible scenario today
Come and save me
You're the only source of all the peace I need"

Thank you God for being stronger. You are all the strength I need.


  1. As always, Liz, I admire the strength that God has provided you. Case is always in our prayers. I look forward to seeing you in one month :)

  2. Thanks! I look forward to seeing you too! I'm not sure if we can spend the night at RMH but either way, we'll visit.:)


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