The Journey.

I will lead the blind by a way they do not know. In paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the thing I will do  and I will not leave them undone. Isaiah 42:16

 I found out I was pregnant with Case in May of 2010. My husband and I had no idea what a journey we were on. In September 2010 at about 25 weeks of pregnancy we started a long string of second level sonograms usally resulting in more bad news. Case's diagnosis before birth was grim. "He has so many congenital anomalies there is a good chance he will have failure to thrive and die" - said by one of the Pittsburgh hospital's obgyns. We knew that God was in control and that everything was going to be "okay". We did not know if our son would live or die and if he did live we were uncertain of his health and overall wellbeing. What we did know is that he did, does and always will belong to God and he would (regardless of where he was) be okay.

Case was born through c-section on December 21, 2010. He was less than 4 weeks early (according to the very latest due date they gave me) at 2 pounds 13 ounces.

He was diagnosed with: severe IUGR, a multi-cystic dysplastic (non functioning) kidney and a few other congenital anomilies. Nothing as severe as we had prepared ourselves for. He spent 38 days in the Children's hopital. I stayed at the Ronald McDonald house (a beautiful place) 100% of the time.

In the blogs to come I will share journal entries from my pregnancy and updates on how Case is. We travel often with Case to Pittsburgh Children's hospital (about 2 or so hours away) to see many specialists.

Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God. 1st Thessalonians 5:18


  1. This is beautiful Liz. I am glad I found this. I can't wait to read more about Case and your family <3



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