The Messy Side of Medical Momming.

Being a medical mom is hard, beautiful, exhausting, rewarding and often messy. When you walk in our home and look closely, you'll see medicine on our ceiling, formula stains on our furniture, medical equipment in corners and medical papers stacked so high, you'll think we are applying to be the stars of the next Hoarders.


Before our son Case was born a clean house, order and organization were very important to me. Before leaving the house, I made sure everything was straightened, and the main rooms were swept and vacuumed...It sounds insane 8 years later. Things are so different now. Instead of living in a predictable world, we live in semi-orderly chaos. Our days are long and are nights at times are longer. Getting going in the morning is like a fast bolt to the last train taking off in the station, insane! With four kids, a husband that works crazy hours and a job of my own, my priorities have changed drastically. I no longer straighten the house before leaving it, as long as no water is running and the pets are alive, we're good to go!
Dose that mean the old, perfectionist Liz that let clutter and mess give her anxiety never shows up? No, no it doesn't. She does show up and whispers in my ear discouraging things like, "Look at this mess! Why can't you just get ahold of it?! Surely there is a way to do it all! Get up earlier! Stay up later! Figure it out! You are the mom! You should be able to hold it all together!"
Then....I explode a bag of formula in the living room, tell her to shut up and have a good cry....
GUYS! Medical momming is HARD!! So, so, hard and somedays you are sure the old saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is completely true! You've also convinced yourself in that moment that you've reached the end of getting stronger and you'll soon be dead on the floor covered in formula and paper work.
This medical journey is long and when we look at it all at once it looks like an elephant standing huge and immovable in front of us but, as a wise woman once told me, "You've got to eat the elephant one bite at a time." 
Ask for help eating the elephant and then the the next one but most importantly, don't refuse help because you think you should be able to do it alone. NO one expects you to do this alone and if they do, I suggest blocking them from you're phone cause girl, it's impossible.
Embrace the mess. keep on keeping on and most importantly, scroll through the embarrassing photos of my messy side of medical momming. Feel free to save one of the images to your phone for the next time you think you are the only one that feels like you are a medical mom failure. You are not. You've got this! Now, go wash the formula out of your bra, get some sleep and kick the crap out of whatever elephant is in your way, one bite at a time!




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