An Open Thank You Note to the Teachers of our Daughters.

Dear Teachers that have no idea what you are getting into when my daughters enter your class rooms in the fall,

Thank you. 
When you saw their names on your class list did you know you'd be wiping their tears, listening to their stories of their brothers countless hospital stays and comforting them while he's hours away with mommy having surgery number....I lost count?
You didn't judge me when their hair was un-brushed and they forgot their lunch. You just smiled and got them fed. 
Thank you for being patient with me and sending extra field trip slips and bus tags home. You knew how often I couldn't be home because I was at Children's holding their brothers hand while he fought yeast in his blood, had blood transfusions, tests, tests and tests.....
You wore his t-shirts on the days my girls needed it most and made us a part of your classroom by hanging his pictures on the wall, reading my emails of comfort to my daughter telling her everything is going to be okay. You even let us come in to do a presentation on "Feeding Tube Awareness Day". 
You helped them, you love them, you never stopped rooting for them and their brother. When school ends for the year, you are still praying, still loving and still rooting.
You, teachers have no idea how much you mean to me. To my children. to my husband. 
I'm sorry I wasn't homeroom mom and that I forgot to send snack more times than I remembered...I was busy fighting insurance companies, sitting in ERs and laying on a hospital beds beside a very sick little boy.
You didn't give them special treatment because their bother is sick and they don't always have their momma home. No, you treated them the same as the others and for that I am thankful.
You, sweet teachers have hearts bigger than your paycheck and I see it in your eyes. Thank you for hugging me when I'm in the hall and not judging me when my eyes fill up with tears. It's people like you that keep people like me going. Thank you.
What a crazy journey you got thrown into! Not by chance but because God knew my daughter need you.
When she couldn't have me. When mommy and brother didn't come home from his appointments for days, weeks because he was too sick to leave, you were there to reassure them and listen with your whole heart.
While I sat in those hospital rooms, sometimes in isolation because my little one had some contagious infection, I was praying. Praying that my little girls would weather these storms and come out stronger than when they went in. I was praying for you. Praying that God would give you the grace to keep being patient and loving with us. 
You, sweet teachers are gifts from God and I can only hope that He continues to bless my sweet girls with such amazing teachers as we continue to fight this war of chronic illness. 
Thank you. I will never forget you.


Tired, thankful me.


  1. You have the BEST girls!! We will continue to love them up and wrap our arms around them when they need us :)


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