Until death do us part.
I've read over and over again about the high divorce rate in parents of special needs/medically fragile children. 75% or 3 out of 4 married couples with medically compromised/special needs, etc. children get divorced. Yes, 3 out of four meaning there is only a 25% chance Dan and I will stay married through the storms of this life we've been chosen for. Being married is hard. Being married in stressful circumstances is harder...When we said our vows, we said we'd love and cherish each other "until death do us part". We didn't know the storms that would be ahead but we committed to each other for better or worse, for richer or for poorer.... We decided we'd always be together and together we are. I'm not saying it's easy raising kids together. It's not, it's hard. Add medical bills, surgeries, long hospital stays, negative bank account balances and all the other "goodies" a miracle like Case brings and some days you wonder how y...