Just Enjoy the Show...
Ready, set...stop thinking! I've been told I think too much several times, by several people. I'll play scenarios over and over in my head before they even happen. Maybe it's because I've got a lot going on... Selling a house, buying a house, Case, endless paper work, three other kids..etc., etc. Maybe it gives me the illusion that I have control of this crazy life of ours. I don't know why I do it but I know that it will surely kill me or send me to an insane asylum. This past month I've been determined to think less and pray more. To step back and "just enjoy the show." Sure, I can't just "give up" or stop caring for Case, the girls..etc. but I can and am (more and more) letting go of the millions of things that I have no control over. When the thoughts take over and I feel helpless it's important to give them up. Out loud even, I surrender them to the One that "directs the show". Sometimes, I want my money back (lol) a...