
Showing posts from February, 2014

In the Valley, there are Blessings.

Blessings are all around us but our vision is clouded by the trouble that is everywhere. Everyday something or 400 things go wrong, don't go as planned or turn into mini (or major) disasters. There is trouble in this world and I, have seen a lot of it first hand. Troubles come with the beautiful blessing of being the full time care taker of a special needs child. The troubles of insurance companies, sickness, un-ending paper work, hospital stays, sleepless nights, no light at the end of the tunnel.....and on and on.....It is so easy to have constant focus on our trouble to the point of creating troubles in our mind that DON'T exist. I can easily and with out even realizing it worry my way into scenarios that won't ever happen....It is at that point that I can be in charge of my thoughts. I can see how blessed this journey really is! I have to consciously change my train of thought to trust and thankfulness (a friend of mine calls it a stop thought: stop the toxic, wort...