4 years ago.

Yesterday I needed to get my picture taken for my drivers licensee and when I looked down at my old license, I saw a young girl who decided she would hold onto her organs when she went on to heaven.......
4 years ago I was living in a different world. A would where The Children's hospital was just another hospital I've heard of and backpacks were for books. 4 years ago I had 3 healthy babies and terminal sickness was something I rarely thought about. 4 years ago when I got my last drivers license picture, I opted out of organ donation because I didn't want my organs "eyed up" and I didn't know I'd ever be living in a world that children die waiting for the gift of life. 4 years ago, I never dreamed I'd love a short, one kidneyed, webbed toes little man with all of my heart and someday, when I do pass I will leave my organs behind and I encourage you to too. Because, some day in 4 years or 14 it could be your loved one dying for the gift of life.



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