My Super Tubbie!
Today is day one of Feeding Tube awareness week. The topic today is: "Tell your story. Educate people as to what life with a tube feeder is like." Case has struggled with eating his whole life. He spent 38 days in the NICU leaning how to eat. I finally got him to take just enough breast milk from a bottle that they took the NG tube out of his nose and sent him home. Once home the battle only got worse. Case had to be fed round the clock every 3 hours with pumped, fortified breast milk. I was the only one he would take a full feeding from (and by full feeding, I mean 1-2 ounces, at best). He had a weak latch, swallowing issues and other birth defects/stomach problems we didn't find till later in his life. I continued to try to get him to breast feed. The harder I made him try, the more weight he'd lose. Finally, after 4 months of pumping, fortifying and begging my milk dried up and I grieved. I grieved because my hopes and dreams of a breast feeding, 4th