Change is...good?

As some of you know our life is about change. In 7 days we are picking our 4 children and life up and moving it an hour away. Dan got a job offer back in October and took it. It took 3 months to find a buyer for our house (we had to sell before we bought) but now we are only 7 days away from a whole lot of change. Good change, sad change and a little bit of scary change. We leave our dear, feels like a grandma nurse that has been with Case for a year. We lose the pediatrician that I've grown to love, trust and call all hours of the day. We leave all four of our sweet, dedicated, hard working therapists and well just a lot of special people. Thank God we don't lose our Children's hospital!

As a child, I struggled with change. If I couldn't find my pillow or someone else was sitting at my seat at the table, my whole day/night was thrown out of whack. Well, these past 26 months have been nothing but change and I'm still not used to it!:) I know that change is good. This move IS good. I can feel it deep inside but I still feel anxious. I still feel like I'm "starting over" and have to stop my mind from running through all the "what ifs" and worst case scenarios. Moving with a special Case requires more effort and more change then if Case weren't so special...;) I pray that God goes before us and prepares our way. That help will be there when we need it and that there is another "perfect nurse". That the new pediatrician is patient and gently cares for and about our special Case all hours of the day and night;). I pray that I can trust Him and live in the moment not wasting time worrying about tomorrow. This is a new chapter in our book and it is good. God is good ...all the time.

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.

Corrie Ten Boom

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


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