An adventure.

Who doesn't love an adventure? We do! And it's a good thing cause Case is a tiny ball of adventure! Yesterday evening around 7pm I laid him in bed. He was super cranky so he cried for a few minutes at first. At around 8 I went in to hook up his feed. He was sound asleep with his Mic-Key button at the opposite side of the bed and a hole in his belly. When a Mic-Key falls out, (or gets yanked out) it's important you replace it immediately so the hole doesn't close. The hole had started closing making it difficult to put a new Mic-key in (after two tries I was able to get it in). He was fussy and the feed seemed to have trouble going in. I only ran it for a minute or so before I realized if the hole started closing the inside of the stomach could have too making the Mic-Key in the wrong place, etc. I called Case's surgeon (he gave me his cell #) but he didn't answer. I then called the dr. on call at Children's. We were told to go to the Altoona Hospital ER to have an ex-ray so the placement of the Mic-Key could be checked. Long story not so short, we were at the ER until close to midnight and the Mic-Key is in the right place.:) At one point case's surgeon and I were texting back and forth. He agreed that going to the ER was the right thing to do. He is a wonderful doctor full of care for our sweet Case. He says he doesn't know how I do it. I do, by God's grace. There is nothing else in this world I'd rather do.

As I sit rocking Case this evening, I thought of the adventure he is. Dan's dear aunt (one of many) often says "Think of it as an adventure" when life takes us places we didn't intend on going. Case is our adventure. I do not know where our adventure will take us next but I know that I can do all things through Christ who is my strength and so can mini-man.

He doesn't mind the ER.


  1. I can do all things...that's the verse that gets me through. You are a true inspiration, Liz and so is Case!

  2. Not very many kids get to go to the emergency room when they are not sick or in pain. He looks like he's living it up!! haha


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